Kathryn Duncan
Mountain View
2305 Ransom Rd
Gatesville TX 76528
My name is Kathy and I am looking for friends.
I've lived in several states, my favorites being Arizona, California, and Oregon. I've visited many others and found both beautiful scenery and people.
My interests include the environment, nature, and world issues. Reading is my favorite pastime today due to my incarceration. Since I can't travel and meet new people I hope to meet and share life experiences through letters.

I am an educated lady with an associates degree in Criminal Justice and a BA in business. I have a special interest that touches my heart with an abundance of pride an lore. My brothers and sisters in the military. Old and young, past and present. Several years ago I served with USACC at Fort Hood, Texas and still consider myself part of this special family. Thank you to each of you.
Upon release I want to work with our wounded soldiers and their families. Another passion I have is in bringing home the K-9 soldiers to loving homes and families. They also have earned the right to retire to a life full of love, honor and respect.
I'm extremely compassionate for animals and humans alike. I have a passion and zest for life and stories to share.
For now this must be my means of travel and meeting people from all walks of life and various cultures. For in depth information about me please go to www.kathyduncan.net and you will understand more of the circumstances regarding my present situation. At present I am only capable of sending letters snail mail so I do require a physical address to respond.
The photos are of different stages of my life. Glamour shot from age 35, then at 50 and a more recent one.
6/25/2022 - 6/25/2025

Race: Caucasian
Date of Birth: 05-10-43
Age: 79
Incarcerated since: 1995
Convicted of: Murder
Length of sentence: Life
Projected Release Date: 2025
Height: -
Weight: -
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Straight
Religion: Non-denominational
Would you like letters from both sexes? Men
Looking for: Friendship, A Relationship
Education: BBA
Occupation before prison: